How to shop

How to choose

  1. In case you are searching for specific article is the fastest way to its finding just to use the search above. All you need is just to put in the key word or EAN or RAPPA article and click on the magnifier button. Immediately you can see the selected items...
  2. If you don't know yet what article you want to buy, you can choose by category, age, price and brand.
  3. Also you can choose the toys according to the producer and brand or filter as you wish.

How to buy

  1. If you already have your choosen article, you can simply "ADD TO CART".
  2. So you put demanded number of pieces in the cart.
  3. You can put in the cart by this way other toys as well.
  4. If you have all put in the cart already, click on the symbol of the cart on the right side above.
  5. Complete correctly required entries (or just log in, if you have already registered).
  6. Choose the method of transportation and payment, you can write a note.
  7. Forward the order.
  8. If you have entered a correct e-mail, in 2 minutes will come the confirmation/recapitulation of the order. If it happens not so, please contact us via e-mail or per telephone, if the order has come or not (the order confirmation has informative character only, it means, that our server has accepted the order). Your order will be processed as soon as possible and the package will be sent to the adress you have mentioned.